
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April Nail Art Challenge: Bali Themed Nails

Finally, April is coming to a close. So is our monthly nail art challenge this April! :)

April Nail Art Challenge: Bali Themed Nails (IN)

Halooo, akhirnya Monthly Nail Challenge bulan April berakhir juga! :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Abstract Nail Art: Chaos Series #1

Today I would like to "show off” my friend, Sarmidi’s work :-) I made these two weeks ago but I haven’t had the time to post it here.

I love this pattern so much! It’s color combo reminds me of how important it is to live in an eco-friendly manner. Though the good things we do for our environment may seem small, they matter for our earth. After all, we only have one earth, the jewel in this vast universe.

Abstract Nail Art: Chaos Series #1 (IN)

Hari ini saya ingin "memamerkan" karya teman saya, Sarmidi :-) Sebenarnya saya sudah membuat nail art ini minggu lalu tapi belum sempat posting di blog saya ini.

I love this pattern so much! Kombinasi warnanya mengingatkan saya untuk hidup secara eco-friendly, atau yang biasa kita sebut "GO GREEN!" Meski tampaknya kecil, hal-hal yang kita lakukan untuk melestarikan ekosistem kita sangat berarti lho! Lagipula, kita hanya punya satu bumi, bukan?

Monday, April 21, 2014

Show off those feathers! (IN)

Halo, Semua! Hari ini saya masih akan mem-post nail art menggunakan decal yang saya desain sendiri. Berhubung saya masih belum mahir melukis, hasil nail art saya dengan metode freehand painting hampir selalu gagal :-( Maka saya "agak kecanduan" decals karena saya bisa menuangkan desain nail art yang ada dalam pikiran saya ke kuku tanpa takut gagal total.

Show off those feathers!

Today's post is still featuring my own decals. As I have mentioned last month, designing decals is one of my addiction. And since I am still not good at painting (seems like painting is not my cup-of-coffee), this method has helped me a lot in putting the designs I have in my head onto my nails :-)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Floral-Wallpaper-Style Nail Art

Hi, Girls!
How's everybody been doing? Fine I hope..
I haven't been able to post anything lately, a lot has been happening here. Buuuut, tonight I'm happy to share a very simple and chic nail art: floral wallpaper style.

Floral-Wallpaper-Style Nail Art (IN)

Hi, Girls!

Cukup lama saya tidak posting *hix* karena cukup hectic keadaan saya akhir-akhir ini.
Ok.. kali ini saya ingin berbagi desain nail art saya yg terinspirasi wallpaper bunga :)
Sederhana tapi cantik!