
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My Version of Quatrefoil

Good Morning, Lovely readers and nail art lovers! :)

It's been a while since my last post, since I've been struggling with bad migraines for the past two weeks. I'm hoping to be migraine free for the next.. well, for good! :)

Ok, I've been posting these on my instagram but I haven't been well enough to actually sit in front of my laptop and upload them on my blog.

These are my "doodles" while trying to combine a few new free photoshop brushes I downloaded. I kept clicking here and there, and the next thing I know - I've created my own version on "quatrefoil" :)

I felt.. "meh" at first, so I added a few blings:

Et voila! You like it?

@mylittlecanvas on Instagram

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