
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Burberry Nails in Stunning Gold!

Good morning, Lovelies! Ugh.. it's rainstorming again today :( I feel all so gloomy on days like this.. Which is perfect for posting one of my throwback nails!

Burberry Nails in Stunning Gold!

I made these burberry patterns over Faceshop's gold polish when I first started nail art-ing in 2012. I attempted to recreated it, to see whether I have improved.. or not.. *lol*

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Random Hypnotic Pattern

Good day! Now that the my euphoria of seeing my own oh-so-stunning-holographic-rainbow nails has cooled down a bit, I am going to share some of these nail art I made a few weeks ago.

Random Hypnotic Pattern nail art in BW and colors

Here comes the details.. They're quite Hypnotizing ^_^

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Stunning Holographic Rainbow!

Hellow, my lovely readers & fellow nail art lovers! ^_^
I am back with a stunning nail art today!
Stunning Holographic Rainbow

It's been quite difficult for me to find time for nail art lately, but I make time yesterday to do this.. and oh my.. It turned out to be even more stunning than I had imagine before!
Warning: I love this mani sooo much, I am bombarding you with high-res pictures in this post ^_^ Just click on them to see the full size pics.

Ok, let's start..

Monday, March 16, 2015

Everybody Loves Flowers!

[arrghh!] I am going crazy right now! It's been weeks since I find the time to do nails.. Seriously, I have to say: "KUDOS!" to all of you full-time-housewives and mothers out there. Your energy and dedications are amazing and you always manage to share your precious time with your family.. I need to learn more from you.

Talking about housewives and mothers, today's design was inspired by my own mother's favorite item: flowers.
Nails by @mylittlecanvas : everybody loves flowers !

She loved flowers so much, and I'm sure she would've loved to have her nails done like this if she were still alive..

Monday, March 9, 2015

Yay! Bubbly Rainbow!

Who doesn't love pastel rainbows? Who can resist bursting bubbles?

Well, these were my inspiration for this nails:
Mood Fixer Nailart : Bubbly Rainbow

I made these a few weeks ago. I was going through rough patches and wanted to fix my mood, fast :)

So here goes the complete look:

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Dreamy Flowers

Good Morning, All! It's warm here, around 850 F here with just enough rain.. Makes me feel like going back to bed, dreaming again *wink*

Well, today's nail art is a bit "dreamy" :) I was running out of inspiration when I made this. I kinda wanted to make something over a dark base color. So here it is..
Nails by @mylittlecanvas: Dreamy Flowers over Black

Hmm.. Black made my hand looked so pale..
Oh well, here comes the hi-res photo below.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Indonesian Batik Nails: White and Tan flowers

Hello, my lovely readers!

This is a #latepost because I forgot to post it here on the blog while I've posted this on my Instagram some months ago.

Indonesian Batik Nails in White and Tan Flowers

I will post the full size photos below.