
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Burberry Nails in Stunning Gold!

Good morning, Lovelies! Ugh.. it's rainstorming again today :( I feel all so gloomy on days like this.. Which is perfect for posting one of my throwback nails!

Burberry Nails in Stunning Gold!

I made these burberry patterns over Faceshop's gold polish when I first started nail art-ing in 2012. I attempted to recreated it, to see whether I have improved.. or not.. *lol*

Burberry Nails in Stunning Gold!

Well, obviously I have used a different camera now.. Other than that.. uhm, I dunno. What do you think?

This time I wore Skinfood's pedicure vita - the bright yellow gold - It can literraly blind you if you stare at it too long :) That's why I love it so much!

Burberry Nails in Stunning Gold!

Burberry Nails in Stunning Gold!

hmm.. If I try really hard, I think I can see some improvements *wink

@mylittlecanvas on Instagram

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