
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Classic Vintage Floral Nails

Good day, My Lovely Readers! ^_^

I must apologize for I'm running out of ideas lately for nail designs. I tried to make another game themed nails, but I think I'll post it later since I just posted my "I love Coffee" Nails few days ago. 

So, it's classic chic floral nails for today :)

Simple Nail Art: Classic Vintage Floral Nails

I don't normally do these kind of designs *lol* Still, I love how this turned out on my hands.

I tried to make the base color pink, but somehow it turned out differently after I put it on.

Simple Nail Art: Classic Vintage Floral Nails

I really love how the color blend with my pinkish skin color *_* heehee..

Simple Nail Art: Classic Vintage Floral Nails

Simple Nail Art: Classic Vintage Floral Nails

Classic Vintage Floral Nails (by @mylittlecanvas)
Gold Colored Knuckle Ring by Bornprettystore ; product ID: 18941
This gorgeous ring is from the famous Bornprettystore. Unfortunately, this item is currently sold out. However, they have many more gorgeous rings and nail supplies - you can check them out here. And don't forget to punch in my coupon code: PGK31 to get your 10% discount on regular priced items ^_^

Feeling inspired? Go ahead and tag me on Google+ or Instagram, I would really love to see your works too :)

@mylittlecanvas on Instagram

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