
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

NailArt Instan: Kutek Multichrome + Stiker Kuku

Hallo Semua! ^_^

Hadu, mohon maaf karena saya jarang sekali menulis artikel nail art akhir-akhir ini. Maklum, kegiatan makin banyak, waktu rasanya kurang terus. Nah, kalo lagi males banget kayak begini, stiker kuku yang "unyu2" bener-bener jadi penyelamat deh ^_^
Nails by @mylittlecanvas: ILNP Peace dan stiker kuku dari Naughty Accessories Indonesia Nails by @mylittlecanvas: ILNP Peace dan stiker kuku dari Naughty Accessories Indonesia

Beberapa bulan yang lalu, saya melihat stiker-stiker keren ini di outlet Naughty Accessories di Cinere. Langsung saja saya beli. Padahal sebenarnya saya agak ragu bakal kepake gak ya? Biasanya selalu saja ada masalah kalau saya memakai stiker kuku yang saya beli di toko-toko aksesoris. Kali ini karena ga punya banyak waktu juga, jadi saya coba saja. Kalaupun gagal, tinggal dicopot deh..

Quick Nail Art: Multichrome Polish + Decorative Nail Stickers

Oh my.. It's been forever since my last post!

Finding the mood and the time for nail art has been a challenge for me lately *sigh* In times like these, cute stickers could be the hero of the day ^_^
Nails by @mylittlecanvas: ILNP Peace with decorative nail stickers Nails by @mylittlecanvas: ILNP Peace with decorative nail stickers

I snatched these stickers some months ago with no expectation in mind. I usually had troubles with store bought nail stickers and I rarely find ones that stuck well on my nails. So I thought.. "Meh, I'll just give it a try and see how it sticks"