
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Quick Nail Art: Multichrome Polish + Decorative Nail Stickers

Oh my.. It's been forever since my last post!

Finding the mood and the time for nail art has been a challenge for me lately *sigh* In times like these, cute stickers could be the hero of the day ^_^
Nails by @mylittlecanvas: ILNP Peace with decorative nail stickers Nails by @mylittlecanvas: ILNP Peace with decorative nail stickers

I snatched these stickers some months ago with no expectation in mind. I usually had troubles with store bought nail stickers and I rarely find ones that stuck well on my nails. So I thought.. "Meh, I'll just give it a try and see how it sticks"

And to my surprise, they stuck well and I had no troubles with wrinkles or loose edges!
Nails by @mylittlecanvas: ILNP Peace with decorative nail stickers

Plus, it went well with my super gorgeous ILNP holotastic Peace. Oh my, I couldn't take my eyes off of these for days.. literally *lol*

I didn't use many tools for these. Just base coat, ILNP Peace for base color, Nail Stickers from Naughty Accessories Indonesia, and my trustee Revlon gel shine topcoat.
ILNP Peace, Revlon Gel-Shine Top Coat and Nail Stickers from Naughty Accessories Indonesia

Et Voila!
Nails by @mylittlecanvas: ILNP Peace with decorative nail stickers

I'm thinking about my upcoming anniversary nails.. Any ideas on what to make? ;-)

@mylittlecanvas on Instagram

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