
Monday, November 17, 2014

Cutest Nail Art I have Ever Made: The Forever Friends Bear

Today, I am going to treat you, my lovely readers with something CUTE :) Like this..?

Nails by @mylittlecanvas: Forever Friends Bears Nail Art

That's right, who have never heard of these Forever Friends Bears?

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Finally a freehand painted nail art: One-Stroke Corset

Freehand painting has always been a challenge for me. I was kicked out of art class once in my elementary school days because I couldn't finish my painting assignment.. Oh well, I was paying too much attention to the neatness and details I guess.

The point is, I hate painting! *grin* But..

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My Version of Quatrefoil

Good Morning, Lovely readers and nail art lovers! :)

It's been a while since my last post, since I've been struggling with bad migraines for the past two weeks. I'm hoping to be migraine free for the next.. well, for good! :)

Ok, I've been posting these on my instagram but I haven't been well enough to actually sit in front of my laptop and upload them on my blog.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Floral Batik Nails in Pink

Sooo, yesterday I posted an Indonesian Batik Nail art in Black and White. Well, today I still feel like doing batik nails! ^_^

But this time, It's floral-patterned Batik and in a much brighter color: Hot Pink!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Batik Nails in Black and White

Hi all :)

Oh well, I know I'm a little late for Batik day on October 2nd :) Still, I think Batik is good to wear all year long :) Plus, I always love how batik looks on nails, So I made one yesterday.

This is the pattern named "Parang Rusak" from Central Java.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

October's Pink Ribbon!

"October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease." -

And this is my version of the pink ribbon mani.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Besties Triplet Nails: Plaids and Daisies

Hello, Lovely readers! :-)
My.. My.. What a sunny day! It’s 940 F / 340C here in Jakarta at 12pm noon, and this triplet nails we did as designed by @beejak, fits perfectly for this bright hot sunny day :)

As I mentioned before, I'll be doing nail art and friendship post in October.. so here’s another post about nail art and friendship... [warning: this is a looongg post with lots of nail art pictures hahaa..]

Monday, October 20, 2014

Glamorous Nail Art: Embossed Silver Swirls Over Black

Oh well, I don't really feel like painting anymore today.. Plus, after a good long previous post I'd like to keep this one real short :)

As the title says, this is jet black polish embellished with silver embossed stickers and some rhinestones.

Besties Twin Nails: Bright Blue - One Stroke - Ribbons

Hi Y'all! Today is a special post. Why because this is not just about nail art, this is also about friendship :) I have several besties nail buddy who've become my close friends not only in nail art, but also in life.

On this post I will tell u about this particular friend of mine, Maria @nailart4jc.

Bright Blue One-stroke Ribbons by @mylittlecanvas and @nailart4jc

It all started with nail art and instagram...

Monday, October 13, 2014

My Nail Art Compiled! - as per 13 Oct 2014

Hi, Everyone!

First of all, thank you for subscribing to my blog or following me on my Instagram account. Thank you for liking and loving my designs! ^_^

When I first started nail art-ing, I didn't know I would be able to do this many arts and continue up 'till now. Plus, I'm quite "obsessed" with slideshows these days, and here I am sharing you ALL my favorite NAIL ART from the beginning of my nail art-ing days :-) Just click PLAY and ENJOY!

Priska Gunila's @mylittlecanvas ; Song: Pure Motivation - by Jerry Sterling by Slidely Slideshow

Hope you like them as much as I do :) Oh, and don't forget to follow/subscribe if you like my work.

Got any question? Ask away! I love reading your comments!

Friday, October 10, 2014


"There's calm after a storm"
"There's a rainbow after a heavy rain"
"Every cloud has a silver lining"

Considering my rather "turbulent" life these days, I find these encouraging words inspiring me for this simple nail art.

These are all done with acrylich paints and topped with glittery polish from ETUDE then finished with REVLON gel shine top coat.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Black and White Nail Art: Beautiful Vintage Swirls

Hellooo Everyone!

Aaah.. Finally! After 2 hectic weeks, and an amazing spiritual feast in a 3-day-convention I can finally sit down in front of my laptop this morning to post one of my favorit-est designs this month! ^_^

This was inspired by a desktop wallpaper I downloaded from internet. And today, I am going to spam you with pictures just because I can *LOL

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

FROZEN Nail Art: Elsa!

Hello, my dear readers and fellow nail art lovers out there :) It's been quite a while since my last nail art. So today, I decided to leave my cooking and did my nails: Anime Style Elsa!

Well, I've been saving this designs for soooo looong. And Let me share with you how delightful I am to see the result. Too bad the camera couldn't catch the sparkles from all that glitters - [sigh]

FROZEN Nail Art: Elsa! (IN)

Halo, semua! :) Wah, sudah absen cukup lama nih, tanpa posting nail art baru. Hari ini saya memutuskan untuk menunda eksperimen masak saya khusus untuk mengerjakan nail art istimewa ini: Elsa! (Anime style)

Desain ini sudah saya simpan begitu lama.. Meski awalnya saya kesulitan karena decal ini sudah terlalu lama disimpan, ternyata hasilnya cantik tenan! :) Sayangnya, kamera saya tidak sanggung menangkap glitter biru yang berkilau-kilau dramatis itu :( - [sigh]

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Naruto Inspired Nail Art : Chibi Kyuubi *_* (IN)

I have a complaint! Kenapa Neji harus mati? :( Oh, kalian tahu kan apa yang sedang saya bicarakan? Yup, betul. Naruto :) Mungkin saya sudah terlalu "tua" untuk menonton seri ini. Tapi saya suka dengan "Life lessons" yang diketengahkan di dalamnya. Saya termasuk dalam jajaran penonton setia Naruto - Sampai Hyuuga Neji di"bunuh" oleh sang pengarang *hix :(

Tapi nail art saya kali ini bukan tentang Hyuuga Neji :) Awalnya terinspirasi "kibasan ekor" nail buddy saya, Victoria (@victoriaoen). Akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk membuat twin nails bertema Kyuubi ^_^

Victo melukis freehand, sedangkan saya membuat decal saya sendiri. Sayangnya, saya kurang puas dengan hasil decal saya kali ini..Kyuubi saya di-inspirasi oleh seorang artist bernama Shampi di komunitas deviantart.

Naruto Inspired Nail Art : Chibi Kyuubi *_*

I have a complaint! Why did Neji has to die? :( Oh, you don't know what I'm talking about? Well, I'm talking about Naruto, of course :) I used to love this anime series.. Until the author killed Neji :(

But my nail art today is not about Hyuuga Neji :) This was inspired by my sweet nail buddy, Victoria (@victoriaoen). So we did our twin nails together.

She hand painted hers, and - as usual - I made my own decals. Somehow, I wasn't satisfied how my decals turned out this time.. My Kyuubi was inspired by an artist named Shampi in deviantart community.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Abstract Nail Art: Chaos Series (Updated)

Ok, I decided to keep all patterns of these Chaos Series in one post :)  And this is the latest pattern I made into my personal homemade decals. Personally, THIS IS MY FAVORITE! :) Why? This reminds me of the traditional Indonesian Batik Patterns. Aren't these awesome?!

See all patterns of the Chaos Series made by my friend, Sarmidi, here..

Abstract Nail Art: Chaos Series (Updated) (IN)

Ok, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk mengumpulkan semua pattern Chaos ini di dalam satu post :) Nah, ini adalah yang terbaru:

Personally, ini adalah favorite saya! Karena desain ini mengingatkan saya pada BATIK :)

Dan kamu bisa melihat semua pattern chaos ini dalam slideshow di bawah:

Abstract Nail Art: Chaos Series #2

Good morning, Everyone! Hope y'all had a good night rest :)

I promised my friend Sarmidi to post all his beautiful designs on my blog. So.. After weeks and weeks pending, I would like to continue my post on these awesome CHAOS series he made!

Remember this Green Chaos Abstract nail design? (Read its complete post here)

Well, he made a bunch of different designs with the software. The possibility is endless..

Abstract Nail Art: Chaos Series #2 (IN)

Selamat pagi! Mudah-mudahan cukup istirahat semalam, ya :)

Beberapa bulan lalu, saya menjanjikan teman saya, Sarmidi, untuk menge-post semua desain-desain Chaos Series nya di blog. Sayang sekali, baru hari ini saya sempat meneruskannya.

Masih ingat post saya tentang Chaos Series #1 ini? (Di sini post lengkapnya)

Nah, Midi sudah membuat banyak pattern cantik dengan software ini. Kemungkinan pattern yang bisa dibuat dengan software ini sebenarnya tak terbatas..

Monday, June 23, 2014

My Review: Jakarta Nail School workshop

Hello Lovely readers and nail art lovers!

Having a far more hectic schedule after quitting my full time job, I finally made some time today to write! ^_^ Why? Because this is important for those of you nail art lovers out there who want to make a career out of this hobby or simply want to perfect your nail art skills.

My Review: Jakarta Nail School Workshop (IN)

Hello Lovely readers and nail art lovers!

Akhirnya, saya bisa menyempatkan diri untuk meng-apdet blog setelah sekian lama. Post saya hari ini berkisah seputar "petualangan" saya ke Jakarta Nail School hari Sabtu lalu. Nah, buat kalian yang punya passion serius di bidang nail art dan berpikir untuk berkarir di bidang nail technology, kalian harus baca post saya kali ini sampai selesai. ^_^

Ayo ambil popcorn-nya dulu ^_^

Monday, May 26, 2014

Money! Money! Money! (IN)

Hai, Girls! Bagaimana weekend kemarin? ^_^ Hari ini saya ingin berbagi #bestiestwinnails alias nail art kembaran dengan teman instagram saya: Heidy @naragirls :-) Seperti judulnya, tema kami kali ini: UANG! *wink

Terinspirasi oleh salah satu Indonesian Nail Tech terbaik kita: Felize Nail Art

Money! Money! Money!

Hi, y'all! Hope you had a great weekend ^_^ Today I will post my #bestiestwinnails with my one of my Instagram nail buddy: Heidy @naragirls :-) This nail art is all about money *wink

Inspired by one of our best Indonesian Nail Tech: Felize Nail Art

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Vintage Floral Nail Art (IN)

Akhirnya! Setelah beberapa minggu tertunda, hari Minggu kemarin berhasil kumpul juga! Family gathering is always nice ^_^ Chinese dumplings buatan saya "laku keras" *lol* dan sesi nail art saya dengan my lovely sis, Edria @kleponkuning juga sukses! Custom decal ini khusus saya buat untuk twin nails saya dengan Edri ^_^ 

Kami berdua sedang "menggilai" desain vintage floral ini, jadi kali ini saya akan membanjiri post ini dengan banyak foto! Jangan bosan ya.. hehe..

Vintage Floral Nail Art

Last Sunday was fabulous! We finally had our housewarming gathering and it was a warm family get-together- lunch. My dumplings were a hit! And so was my Cath Kidston inspired decals I made for our twin nails with my sister in law, Edria @kleponkuning

We're crazy about this vintage floral designs, so I am going to flood this post with pictures of them!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Simple NOTD - Green roses, White Filligrees over Black (IN)

Hi, Girls.. Saya rasa jam ini kalian sudah tidur. *sigh* Akhir-akhir ini saya sedikit insomnia. Berhubung saya sudah harus tidur (tapi belum bisa tidur) jadi, kali ini post nya pendek saja.

Warna hitam adalah warna favorite saya sejak dulu (setelah kuning, tentunya) Dan desain ini adalah hasil "doodling" saya sewaktu saya agak kurang inspirasi untuk ber-nail art-ria.

Simple NOTD - Green roses, White Filligrees over Black

Okay, It's really late and I really need to get some sleep. Problem is, I still can't sleep *sigh*. So I'm going to keep this post real short for now.

Black has always been my favorite color - next to yellow ^_^ And this design was one of my "doodles" when I was blank and quite uninspired..

Thursday, May 15, 2014

K-Pop Nails - song: Someday by IU

After two weeks training myself to make and cook chinese dumplings *loud sigh, I can finally make another nail art. In fact, I've designed this weeks ago.

During the days of "dramas" in my life, this song was in constant loop in my playlist. I can relate deeply to its lyrics, though I don't watch the kdrama.

K-Pop Nails - song: Someday by IU (IN)

Setelah 2 minggu berjuang belajar membuat chinese dumplings, akhirnya sempat juga membuat nail art baru. Sebenarnya nail art kali ini sudah saya desain berminggu-minggu lalu..

Selagi berjuang menghadapi berbagai masalah, lagu ini selalu menemani saya meskipun saya tidak menonton kdrama Dreamhigh.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Nail Tutorial: How To Use A Nail Tattoo

Yay! Today, It's another easy tutorial for you to try. I posted my own decal tutorial yesterday, today I'm going to do a tutorial for nail tattoos.

Hey, aren't they the same - you're probably wondering.. Well, they're - uhm, similar - but slightly different. I'll show you :-)

Nail Tutorial: How To Use A Nail Tattoo (IN)

Hi, Girls! Hari ini saya ingin berbagi tutorial untuk menggunakan Nail Tattoos. Mungkin ada yang bertanya-tanya..

Nail Tattoo bukannya sama dengan nail decals yang kemarin saya post ya? Hmm.. sedikit mirip siy. Tapi ada bedanya. Supaya gak bingung, langsung liat gambarnya aja yuk :)

Friday, May 9, 2014

Nail Art Tutorial: How I Use My own Custom Water Decals

I get asked a lot by my friends about how I wear my decals. As I have mentioned before, I'm a little bit addicted to designing my own decals. So I am going to share with all of you on how I put them on.

As with any other method, each person has her own way of putting on decals. So if my way doesn't work well with you, that's ok, you can always try some other ways that suit you best :)

Nail Art Tutorial: How I Use My Own Custom Water Slide Decals (IN)

Halo, Girls! Kamu pernah memakai nail decals? Semacam sticker kuku yang lepas dengan air? Hmm.. saya sendiri senang mendesain stiker kuku saya sendiri. Dan sering ditanya, "Bagaimana sih cara pasangnya? Ribet, gak?" 

Sejujurnya, gak ribet kok. Hanya perlu sedikit latihan sebentar, dan siapkan alat-alat serta bahan yang diperlukan sebelum memulai.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Gift wrapper inspired nail art: Cute Teddy Bears!

Today's nail art is inspired by cute gift wraps at the book store!

Upon looking at this wrapper, I immediately remember my friend's cute little daughter who looovveess nail art so much ever since she was 2 years old!

Gift wrapper inspired nail art: Cute Teddy Bears! (IN)

Helo, Ladies! Nail art hari ini terinspirasi oleh... KERTAS KADO! ^_^

Begitu melihat kertas kado ini, saya teringat putri teman saya yang saaannggaatt menyukai nail art sejak berusia 2 tahun!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Batik Nails #2: Flowers and Dots (IN)

Halo, Ladies! ^_^ Saya sangat antusias dengan nail art hari ini. Yep! Batik nail art..

Seperti yang kita semua tahu, ada ratusan motif Batik yang setiap motifnya unik dan identik dengan tempat kelahirannya.

Batik Nails #2: Flowers and dots

Good morning! Today’s nail art post will feature our Indonesian traditional Batik pattern.

There are literally hundreds of Batik patterns in Indonesia, each are unique to the place where it was originally made.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April Nail Art Challenge: Bali Themed Nails

Finally, April is coming to a close. So is our monthly nail art challenge this April! :)

April Nail Art Challenge: Bali Themed Nails (IN)

Halooo, akhirnya Monthly Nail Challenge bulan April berakhir juga! :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Abstract Nail Art: Chaos Series #1

Today I would like to "show off” my friend, Sarmidi’s work :-) I made these two weeks ago but I haven’t had the time to post it here.

I love this pattern so much! It’s color combo reminds me of how important it is to live in an eco-friendly manner. Though the good things we do for our environment may seem small, they matter for our earth. After all, we only have one earth, the jewel in this vast universe.

Abstract Nail Art: Chaos Series #1 (IN)

Hari ini saya ingin "memamerkan" karya teman saya, Sarmidi :-) Sebenarnya saya sudah membuat nail art ini minggu lalu tapi belum sempat posting di blog saya ini.

I love this pattern so much! Kombinasi warnanya mengingatkan saya untuk hidup secara eco-friendly, atau yang biasa kita sebut "GO GREEN!" Meski tampaknya kecil, hal-hal yang kita lakukan untuk melestarikan ekosistem kita sangat berarti lho! Lagipula, kita hanya punya satu bumi, bukan?

Monday, April 21, 2014

Show off those feathers! (IN)

Halo, Semua! Hari ini saya masih akan mem-post nail art menggunakan decal yang saya desain sendiri. Berhubung saya masih belum mahir melukis, hasil nail art saya dengan metode freehand painting hampir selalu gagal :-( Maka saya "agak kecanduan" decals karena saya bisa menuangkan desain nail art yang ada dalam pikiran saya ke kuku tanpa takut gagal total.

Show off those feathers!

Today's post is still featuring my own decals. As I have mentioned last month, designing decals is one of my addiction. And since I am still not good at painting (seems like painting is not my cup-of-coffee), this method has helped me a lot in putting the designs I have in my head onto my nails :-)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Floral-Wallpaper-Style Nail Art

Hi, Girls!
How's everybody been doing? Fine I hope..
I haven't been able to post anything lately, a lot has been happening here. Buuuut, tonight I'm happy to share a very simple and chic nail art: floral wallpaper style.

Floral-Wallpaper-Style Nail Art (IN)

Hi, Girls!

Cukup lama saya tidak posting *hix* karena cukup hectic keadaan saya akhir-akhir ini.
Ok.. kali ini saya ingin berbagi desain nail art saya yg terinspirasi wallpaper bunga :)
Sederhana tapi cantik!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Pastels and Lollipops (IN)

Hello, Girls!

Maaf ya, karena saya absen cukup lama. Dua minggu terakhir lumayan sibuk nih, ditambah lagi flu dan demam tinggi.. Nah! Setelah badai flu mereda, paling cocok kalau bikin nail art yang "ceria", bukan?

Apalagi ditemani 2 nail besties saya di Instagram: Debby (@beejak) dan Maria (@nailart4jc)

Pastels and Lollipops!

Hello, My Lovely Readers!

It's been a while, I know. I had a lot going on here, and I am recovering from a bad two-day-fever *ugh*
I felt like doing some bright, cheerful, and "happy" nails with my Instagram nail buddies: Debby (@beejak) and Maria (@nailart4jc)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Ultimate Nail Fail (IN)

Selamat pagi, Ladies..

Hari ini tampaknya "negative vibes" saya masih belum hilang total.. Akibatnya desain yang sudah saya bayang-bayangkan selama beberapa hari g.a.g.a.l total - Setidaknya begitu menurut saya..

Ultimate Nail Fail

Good morning, Ladies..

Well, I guess today "negative vibes" haven't gone completely and this pretty much influenced my practice. Though I failed miserably (imo), I decided to post about it anyway just to show that nail fail do happen every once in a while. Or in my case - often *lol ^_^

After watching some youtube videos, I decided to practice my one-stroke design again..

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

"Bad Mood" Nail Design (IN)

Halo, Girls..

Hari ini saya tidak akan bercerita panjang.. Karena kemarin adalah hari yang menyebalkan bagi saya.. Jadi, saya rasa nail art yang satu ini SANGAT cocok merangkum my bad Monday kemarin.

"Bad Mood" Nail Design

Hi, Everyone..

I've had a rough Monday yesterday, so I'm going to keep this post short as it reflected my mood and my entire day from morning 'till noon yesterday.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Candy Nails! (IN)

Hallooo, semuaa! ^_^

Sedang ber-weekend-ria? Mudah-mudahan gak pada kena macet ya..
Hari ini, saya ingin bernostalgia ke masa-masa pertama saya membuat nail tattoos dulu.
Desain yang ini khususnya bisa bikin hepi siapa saja yg melihatnya: Candy Nails!

Candy Nails!

Y'all having a great weekend? Hope you are ^_^

Today I'd like to post one of my "favoritest" nail art: Candy Nails!
These tattoos were one of the first batch I made back in early 2013.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Colorbox Nail Tattoos (IN)

Helloo, Girls!

Kadang.. sulit tidur itu memang sangat menyebalkan *hix..

Meski menyebalkan, bisa membuat kita jadi lumayan produktif lho. Seperti kemarin malam contohnya, karena saya sulit tidur akhirnya malah "mainan" nail tattoos yang sudah pernah saya buat tapi belum sempat saya pakai.

Colorbox Nail Tattoos

Good day, Girls!

Well, I couldn't sleep well last night so I decided to do some easy nail art with some nail tattoos I made.

Friday, March 7, 2014

K-Pop Nails!

Hellooo, Lovely Ladies!
It's been a while since my last post.. I have to take care of some important stuff *hix..*

Aw-rite! Today's post is a little bit - well.. - Unusual. I made this nail tattoo design a while back. And, maaann.. the things i can do while in PMS..?! Crazy! I have some of my "masterpieces" made during my PMS session and yess, those weeks were always the most emotional of the whole month!

K-Pop Nails! (IN)

Hellooo, Semuaaa! ^_^
Maaf yaa, saya terpaksa absen selama beberapa hari karena satu dan lain hal..

Langsung saja ke topik yuukk! Tahu dong, yang namanya PMS? Yup, minggu-minggu PMS ini benar-benar bisa bikin kita super emosional. Tapi ketimbang marah-marah gak jelas, mending bikin nail art, ya gak?

Monday, March 3, 2014

One-Stroke Pink Roses (IN)

Girls, ternyata melukis bunga mawar tuh sulit sekaliiiii ya?! *huff*

Sebenarnya, saya bukan penggemar desain "girly" - bukan karena saya tidak feminin looh *wink* hehee - entah kenapa, desain-desain saya di instagram pun jarang yang memakai warna-warna lembut.

Sooo, kali ini saya ingin "keluar dari zona nyaman" sekaligus melatih tehnik one stroke lagi.

My Kind of Stripes (IN)

Hello, Girls ^_^

Kali ini, saya akan menampilkan desain "geometris" dengan menggunakan Striping tapes dan gradasi warna pelangi.

Sejujurnya, saya agak kurang sabar dengan tipe nail art yang satu ini. 

Batik nails: Motif Parang Rusak (IN)

Hayoo.. siapa yang tidak pernah mengenakan baju batik dengan motif ini?

Yup! Motif ini bernama Parang Rusak, berasal dari Yogyakarta, dan termasuk salah satu motif yang paling banyak dipakai ^_^ 

Henna nail design (IN)

Halooo Girls!

Desain yang satu ini - uhm - masih perlu banyak dilatih lagi nih ^_^ 

Desain ini terinspirasi oleh Robin Moses - yang menurut saya adalah salah satu nail tech terbaik yang pernah saya temui di dunia maya.

Meskipun agak tampak "gagal" jika dibanding karya aseli milik Robin Moses, saya tetap menyukai hasil akhirnya..

Bubble Nail Tattoo (IN)

Girls, saya punya hobi lain selain nail art, y/i: Mendesain decals dan nail tattoos.

Decals? Nail Tattoos? Well, intinya sih, mereka ini sama fungsinya seperti stiker kuku. Yang berbeda hanya cara melepaskan gambarnya agar bisa ditempel di kuku saja.

Colorful One-Stroke Bubble Shapes (IN)

'Met Sore, Lovely Ladies!

Desain kali ini masih menggunakan tehnik "one-stroke" seperti pita-pita ungu kemarin.
Hari ini, saking panasnya Jakarta *phew* rasanya cocok untuk menampilkan desain yang berwarna cerah seperti yang satu ini.

One Stroke Ribbon (IN)

Girls! Ini sebenarnya adalah artikel pertama saya waktu menulis blog kira-kira seminggu lalu. Daaaan, ini juga adalah desain nail art dengan tehnik "one stroke" yang pertama kali berhasil *kemarin-kemarin ggaggaall terus :-P

Setelah beratus-ratus kali menonton video yutub nya "Tartofraises" --> nanti search di youtube yha ^_^ - setelah latihan selama.. errmm.. lama deh pokoknya *haha

Akhirnya sukses juga! Nnnaahh ini foto-fotonya.. kalau ingin tahu tutorialnya, sabar ya Girls.. segera saya buatkan nanti.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Peel-off base coat

Good morning, Girls!

Okay, It's day 3 for this lovely rose design:

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

One-Stroke Pink Roses

Hello, Lovely Ladies! I'm back with another project on one stroke nail art.

If you look at my designs in my instagram, you will see that I rarely do anything so girly and pink. So I decided this morning to try a very girly design with everybody's favorite flower: the rose.

My Kind of Stripes

Hello, my fellow nail art addicts out there ^_^

On this post, I'm going to talk about my first Striping-tape-mani.

I have a mixed feeling about this method. I liked the final results but the journey took too long (-.-)
Not only it was time consuming, the tape - oh, the tape! - It's so thin and a little bit tricky to deal with.
However.. if you have the patience, maybe this method is for you! I tell ya, the end result was worth the effort (^_^)

Batik nails: Motif Parang Rusak

Before I showed you my Batik nails, I have a quick question: Have you ever heard of what "Batik" is? If you haven't, don't be discouraged ^_^

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Henna nail design

Ooh I'm on fire! I'm writing 3 posts today :)) *lol

Now this one.. is not my best, but I still love how it turned out.
I tried to recreate Robin Moses' Henna design, and naturally failed - compared to her works, that is :)

I used Faceshop polish for the base color, and black acrylic paint with detail brush.
I have to say, this is a great practice using detail brush ^^

Bubble Nail Tattoo

Ok, I have another "addiction': Designing my own decals and nail tattoos.

Whenever I am uninspired or have very little time to do freehand painting - Plus, I still stink at freehand painting lol :)) - I just slap some of these custom decals and Voila!

What's NOT fun about nail stickers, decals, and tattoos, is that they tend to wrinkle. My nails are very curvy so it took me quite some time to practice smoothing them, and it doesn't always work - unfortunately.

Colorful One-Stroke Bubble Shapes

Good Morning, Lovely Ladies!

It's very sunny here today in Jakarta, so I was thinking to post one of my bright colorful nail art.
These were in my practice series to "master" the one stroke technique. It did not come out right at first, plus I was still struggling with the paint and the brush. Fortunately, 90 minutes later plus top-coat.. Here's the final look:

Monday, February 24, 2014

One Stroke Ribbon

Ok! Here comes my first nail art post on the blog! *do the dance* lol

This is my first successful attempt on one stroke nail art and was inspired by the incredible Tartofraise of

I have been practicing one stroke technique for a while now, and this time.. It works!! Woohoo!

I was so happy that after finishing my happy dance, I continued making this design on my non-dominant hands! How cool is that? lol..


Hello there, Ladies.. and gentlemen too ;-)

Welcome to my blog! Thank you for visiting :)

Today, I decided to share my little "journey" on my little canvasses a.k.a Nails ^_^
I have always been lousy at painting, drawing and - writing lol.. Yet here I am, typing whatever comes to mind :-)