
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

NailArt Instan: Kutek Multichrome + Stiker Kuku

Hallo Semua! ^_^

Hadu, mohon maaf karena saya jarang sekali menulis artikel nail art akhir-akhir ini. Maklum, kegiatan makin banyak, waktu rasanya kurang terus. Nah, kalo lagi males banget kayak begini, stiker kuku yang "unyu2" bener-bener jadi penyelamat deh ^_^
Nails by @mylittlecanvas: ILNP Peace dan stiker kuku dari Naughty Accessories Indonesia Nails by @mylittlecanvas: ILNP Peace dan stiker kuku dari Naughty Accessories Indonesia

Beberapa bulan yang lalu, saya melihat stiker-stiker keren ini di outlet Naughty Accessories di Cinere. Langsung saja saya beli. Padahal sebenarnya saya agak ragu bakal kepake gak ya? Biasanya selalu saja ada masalah kalau saya memakai stiker kuku yang saya beli di toko-toko aksesoris. Kali ini karena ga punya banyak waktu juga, jadi saya coba saja. Kalaupun gagal, tinggal dicopot deh..

Quick Nail Art: Multichrome Polish + Decorative Nail Stickers

Oh my.. It's been forever since my last post!

Finding the mood and the time for nail art has been a challenge for me lately *sigh* In times like these, cute stickers could be the hero of the day ^_^
Nails by @mylittlecanvas: ILNP Peace with decorative nail stickers Nails by @mylittlecanvas: ILNP Peace with decorative nail stickers

I snatched these stickers some months ago with no expectation in mind. I usually had troubles with store bought nail stickers and I rarely find ones that stuck well on my nails. So I thought.. "Meh, I'll just give it a try and see how it sticks"

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Bright Flowers and Holotastic Glitters!

Hello, my lovely readers! Hope you have a good Wednesday ^_^

I've been a little bit out of ideas lately, with my new part time job and everything that goes around here, then there's always that bunch of house chores, allergies, PMS and whatnot.. So I thought, why not slap on some dark colors and put on some bright colored - eye catching - designs?

Bright Flowers and Holotastic Glitters! by @mylittlecanvas

Well, this is it.. here's one of those designs that I made out of pure experiment. No expectation, no big picture in mind. And.. I LOVE IT! *_*

What I used:

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Colorful Tweed Mani

Hello, My Lovely Readers! ^_^

I must apologize for m.i.a these past few weeks. It's been some pretty hectic weeks indeed! But, I am back today with my favorite stuff from Bornprettystore (^_^)

Tweed Water Slide Decals by

Now.. I've always loved tweed manis. But - as usual - I lack the will to paint *lol* So these decals came to my rescue!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Yet Another Reverse Stamping NOTD: Arabesque Patterns and Swirls

Oh, my it's Saturday already! ^_^
So, has everyone got a plan for this weekend? I know, I have mine *wink*

Since everyone is going to enjoy his/her weekend, I'm going to keep this post short. This is my new addiction: reversed stamping.. I made this design last week and posted it on my instagram, but I haven't had the time to post it here on my blog.

Colorful Arabesque and Swirls by @mylittlecanvas Colorful Arabesque and Swirls by @mylittlecanvas

Whenever I am upset, or stressed out, I take my time to colour and make my stamping decals. I have yet to try lead light stamping, because I haven't succeeded in making my own jelly polishes. I would definitely try it soon!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Nail Tutorial and Review: Silver metal slide decal

Hi, Everyone!

I am back with another review of this beautiful Silver metal water-slide decals. These beautiful decals are sponsored by
Silver Phoenix Decals by Bornprettystore
Silver Phoenix Decals by Bornprettystore
Silver Phoenix Water Slide Decals (ID: 18650)

I didn't expect much at first glance. I mean, I played with decals a lot and I thought this metal decals would be just like any other decals. But I was WRONG! Keep reading and I'll tell you why.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Nail Tutorial and Review: Colorful Whimsical Fantasy Decals

Hello, my lovely readers and fellow nail art lovers!

I am back today with another review. Yess, I will be doing several more reviews for my favorite items here in my next posts.

If you have been following my blog posts, then you may notice my fondness for decals. Though I usually wear my own homemade decals, today I will be testing this Whimsical / Fantasy pattern full-nail-decal sponsored by - They are available in 12 gorgeous patterns.

Whimsical Fantasy Nail Decals by Bornprettystore Whimsical Fantasy Nail Decals by Bornprettystore

Whimsical Fantasy Nail Decals by Bornprettystore
Full Nail Water Decals - Colorful whimsical fantasy patterns (ID: 17693)

Friday, June 5, 2015

My First Peel-off Water-based Chameleon nail-polish: Témix

Hi, Everyone! I was so excited last night since my new items from arrived.

I can hardly wait to to use them all, but on this post I will review this one item that's been intriguing me for a few months: Témix peel-off chameleon water-based nail polish.

Témix Peel-off Water Based Chameleon Nail Polish
Témix Peel-off Water Based Chameleon Nail Polish; ID: # 20701

It is available in 5 BEAUTIFUL duochrome colours at

Monday, May 18, 2015

Bright Glaring Stars

Hi, everyone! How was your weekend? I hope it was just as fabulous as mine was ^_^

While almost everyone I know out there say "I hate Monday", here I am loving my monday (because monday is my day off) and writing my review on another pretty little stamping plate by BornPrettyStore.

Glaring stars nails by @mylittlecanvas Glaring stars nails by @mylittlecanvas

I had trouble with this thick polish (see below) when I tried using it with another plate, turns out that THE PLATE WAS the problem - Not the polish *phew* So I tried again and this time I used it together with BPS's Plate.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Kuteksjunkies April Nail Challenge: Friendship

Hello, my dear readers ^_^

This week is awesome because we have 2 National holidays! Today's post is also special because today's nail design is all about friendship and nail art.

Forever Friends Bear Nails by @mylittlecanvas Forever Friends Bear Nails by @mylittlecanvas

It has been almost 3 years since I found my nail art addiction and almost 2 years since I joined this encouraging nail enthusiast community, @Kuteksjunkies.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Under The Sea: Starfish and Seashell Nail Design

Hello, my lovely readers and fellow nail art enthusiasts ^_^ 

There are so many nail challenges floating around the internet and social medias, and I happened to choose this one: the Nail Polish Queens weekly challenge - Under The Sea to test the stamping kit I purchased from a while ago.

 This is my first review so please be kind hehe.. *wink*

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Game themed NOTD: Puzzle Barista

Hello, Lovely Readers! I have so many house chores pending so I'm going to have to keep this post short..
Today, I am back with another game themed nails of the day :)

Puzzle Barista Nails by @mylittlecanvas

This game combine three of my most favorite things in life: cute characters, coffee and good puzzle games :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Classic Vintage Floral Nails

Good day, My Lovely Readers! ^_^

I must apologize for I'm running out of ideas lately for nail designs. I tried to make another game themed nails, but I think I'll post it later since I just posted my "I love Coffee" Nails few days ago. 

So, it's classic chic floral nails for today :)

Simple Nail Art: Classic Vintage Floral Nails

I don't normally do these kind of designs *lol* Still, I love how this turned out on my hands.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Besties Triplet Nails: Game Themed!

Quick Question: Who loves gaming besides nail art? I do! I was a free-time gamer before becoming a nail enthusiast hehe.. I was never good at gaming though :-P

Last month, me and my besties decided to make a themed nails. And this idea popped out in my head: Game Theme. Aanndd here’s what we came up with:

@Melisaviriya made the ever famous Candy Crush Saga!! Very addictive indeed..
@nailart4jc made the very cute yet destructive little Angry Birds *lol* 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Simple NOTD: Nude gradients and flowers

Hello, my lovely readers.. I must apologize for the lack of posting, I've been struggling with allergies & asthma lately. So today I am going to post these nails I did for my youngest brother's wedding a month ago.

Simple Nail Art : Nude Gradient and One-Stroke Flower

Well, as the title says these are very simple but just as lovely.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Burberry Nails in Stunning Gold!

Good morning, Lovelies! Ugh.. it's rainstorming again today :( I feel all so gloomy on days like this.. Which is perfect for posting one of my throwback nails!

Burberry Nails in Stunning Gold!

I made these burberry patterns over Faceshop's gold polish when I first started nail art-ing in 2012. I attempted to recreated it, to see whether I have improved.. or not.. *lol*

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Random Hypnotic Pattern

Good day! Now that the my euphoria of seeing my own oh-so-stunning-holographic-rainbow nails has cooled down a bit, I am going to share some of these nail art I made a few weeks ago.

Random Hypnotic Pattern nail art in BW and colors

Here comes the details.. They're quite Hypnotizing ^_^

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Stunning Holographic Rainbow!

Hellow, my lovely readers & fellow nail art lovers! ^_^
I am back with a stunning nail art today!
Stunning Holographic Rainbow

It's been quite difficult for me to find time for nail art lately, but I make time yesterday to do this.. and oh my.. It turned out to be even more stunning than I had imagine before!
Warning: I love this mani sooo much, I am bombarding you with high-res pictures in this post ^_^ Just click on them to see the full size pics.

Ok, let's start..

Monday, March 16, 2015

Everybody Loves Flowers!

[arrghh!] I am going crazy right now! It's been weeks since I find the time to do nails.. Seriously, I have to say: "KUDOS!" to all of you full-time-housewives and mothers out there. Your energy and dedications are amazing and you always manage to share your precious time with your family.. I need to learn more from you.

Talking about housewives and mothers, today's design was inspired by my own mother's favorite item: flowers.
Nails by @mylittlecanvas : everybody loves flowers !

She loved flowers so much, and I'm sure she would've loved to have her nails done like this if she were still alive..

Monday, March 9, 2015

Yay! Bubbly Rainbow!

Who doesn't love pastel rainbows? Who can resist bursting bubbles?

Well, these were my inspiration for this nails:
Mood Fixer Nailart : Bubbly Rainbow

I made these a few weeks ago. I was going through rough patches and wanted to fix my mood, fast :)

So here goes the complete look:

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Dreamy Flowers

Good Morning, All! It's warm here, around 850 F here with just enough rain.. Makes me feel like going back to bed, dreaming again *wink*

Well, today's nail art is a bit "dreamy" :) I was running out of inspiration when I made this. I kinda wanted to make something over a dark base color. So here it is..
Nails by @mylittlecanvas: Dreamy Flowers over Black

Hmm.. Black made my hand looked so pale..
Oh well, here comes the hi-res photo below.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Indonesian Batik Nails: White and Tan flowers

Hello, my lovely readers!

This is a #latepost because I forgot to post it here on the blog while I've posted this on my Instagram some months ago.

Indonesian Batik Nails in White and Tan Flowers

I will post the full size photos below.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Gunilla the Battle Maiden

Now, THIS is one of my MASTERPIECE Nail Art!

Inspired by my middle name, I googled the name meaning of Gunilla. And here's the result:

Monday, February 23, 2015

.::Lovely Chains::.

Hello, My Lovely readers ^_^
Sorry for m.i.a for these past few weeks, I've been super duper busy with house chores and everything else as a full time housewife ^_^

Soooo, after my mellow K-Pop inspired nails I was feeling nostalgic and suddenly felt like wearing my old polish. This brand "Pokari" was one of the first polish I used to experiment when I first started doing nail art. A friend used to bring her Pokari polishes to work, then we got together painting our nails during break *sigh* Those were the days.. ^_^

Pokari Nail Polish : Light Lavender

It was light glittery pale purple.. I had no trouble with the consistency. Plus, I love its price at a local accessory shop! 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Soundtrack Inspired Nails: 한 여자 ("One Woman")

Hi, all.. I apologize for not writing for the past few weeks.

I am going through some rough patches right now and hopeful, that someday soon I too shall see my rainbow after this storm :)

Now, talking about rainbows and storms.. I've become a fan of romantic comedy dramas in these past 2 years. I can feel the love and laughs through ridiculous storyline, and many of their soundtracks inspired me in my quest for nail art inpiration.

Here's one of them..
Nails by @mylittlecanvas ; Soundtrack Inspired Nails : 한 여자 ("One Woman")